
Teresa L. McDonald
IHSA Scholarship Challenge

Test your horsemanship skills! 

Click Here to Take the 2022 T McDonald Test


The Teresa L. McDonald IHSA Scholarship Challenge is a free online test covering non-discipline-specific, general horsemanship topics and is open to all IHSA undergraduate members.

  • The timed online test consists of 50 questions from the USHJA HQC Study Guide and the IHSA Rulebook. You will have 15 minutes to complete the test.
  • The written test will be open from March 1 - March 30, 2022.
  • Students should form teams of six, either from their own school or within their region. Students can only compete on one team. Each team must have a unique name.
  • Top four scores from each team will count toward the team total.
  • Top three team scores will have their team invited to compete in a practicum competition. Details concerning timing and location of the practicum phase will be announced later in the year.
  • Three members of top teams will compete in the practicum portion and those scores will be added to the written test scores to determine the winning team. The members of the team competing in the practicum portion of the testing do not have to be the same as those whose scores count toward the written test score. Each team can decide who will compete in that portion based on their team dynamic.