Scholarship Opportunities
IHSA members seeking scholarships have multiple options available. Students can apply for scholarships through the Intercollegiate Equestrian Foundation (IEF). Additionally, students
can use their horsemanship knowledge to earn a scholarship.

The IEF awards multiple scholarships each year to deserving students. Winners are announced in conjunction with the National Championship Horse Show. In addition to the general IEF Scholarships, the IEF manages two named awards:
The Jack Fritz Memorial Award is a national scholarship named in honor of the legendary horseman and scholar Jack Fritz, who co-founded the IHSA while a professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University with then-student Robert Cacchione.
The Emily Jane Hilscher Memorial Award was created in memory of Hilscher, a 19-year-old freshman studying veterinary science, who was among the victims of the rampage at Virginia Tech in 2007. From Woodville, Virginia, she was a horsewoman,
animal lover, enthusiastic cook and imaginative artisan. She was a member of the IHSA, competing with the Virginia Tech Equestrian Team.
The Margaret "Maggie" Blackmon Memorial Award is awarded in honor of Margaret "Maggie" Blackmon, a 20-year-old junior studying anthropology at St. Lawrence University. A three-year St. Lawrence riding team member, Blackmon passed away
suddenly in 2020. Her love of horses and riding led her to develop tremendous skills and knowledge transferable to all aspects of her life. This scholarship recognizes a collegiate rider who demonstrates the same passion and commitment to the equestrian
IEF Scholarship Information
The Jon Conyers Memorial Scholarship - The IEF invites coaches to nominate a rider from their team in honor of the late Jon Conyers. The nominee must be a freshman or sophomore in their first year competing in Walk-Trot, Beginning Horsemanship,
Walk-Trot-Canter or Intermediate Horsemanship; be a full-time IHSA undergraduate member in good standing; display a passion for horses, strive for excellence and demonstrate financial need. Conyers competed as an undergraduate IHSA rider, instructed
and coached for numerous college programs, served as a member of the IHSA board of directors for many years in a variety of capacities, including as a regional president, zone chairperson, director of alumni, director-at-large and National Horse Show
Jon Conyers Memorial Scholarship Information
The Bob Anthony Memorial Scholarship - This award was established in honor of Bob Anthony, a legendary
horseman and NRHA Hall of Fame inductee. Anthony was a competitor, trainer, and judge who won six NRHA World Championships. Coaches should nominate a rider from their team. The student must be a full-time undergraduate IHSA member in good standing,
compete in Open Reining throughout the year and demonstrate financial need.
Bob Anthony Memorial Scholarship Information
Teresa L. McDonald IHSA Scholarship Challenge, presented by Back on Track, is a free online test covering non-discipline-specific, general horsemanship topics and is open to all IHSA undergraduate members. Students should create six-member
teams; the team can be within one school or within one region, and enter the team name when taking the online test.
Teresa L. McDonald taught at Virginia Tech and was an active IHSA board member for many years. McDonald was also a
founder of the Intercollegiate Dressage Association.
Back on Track is the Therapeutic Products Choice of the IHSA.
YEDA sponsors the IHSA/YEDA National Achievement Award at the 2020 IHSA National Championship Horse Show. This award goes to the YEDA alum rider who achieves the highest placing in individual western classes in any IHSA western division.
If there are no YEDA alum individual placing, the award will carry over to the highest placing YEDA alum IHSA team rider. YEDA will award that individual a $250 scholarship check. In the case of a tie, YEDA will raise the amount to $500 and split
equally between those members that tie. IHSA can use any fair tiebreaker to award the trophy. To be eligible to receive the award, the YEDA member would have to have been on a YEDA team and competed for at least one season. The recipients of this
award will be listed on the IHSA website.